Left: Honorable Mention – Pam Chase for her watercolor “A Penny for Your Thoughts”.
Category C, Graphics (includes pen and ink) & Printmaking  | Right: First Place – John Doran for his lithographic print “Mainescape I”.

Come join or watch artists from all over the region, draw and paint the marshes, coves, fields, nature trails, boatyards and marinas, restaurants, store fronts, and historic sites from sunrise to nightfall.

Contact: arthousekifa@gmail.com | 410-643-7424
Maureen Wheatley | 410-739-0850 | reeniart@gmail.com
or Pam Chase | Pjchase1@verizon.net

KIFA on X (Twitter)

KIFA’s Winter Lecture Series with guest speaker Jonathan B. Tuckerwas held on January 12, 2025. In his interactive poetry presentation, Jonathan showcased how creative writing and spoken word poetry helps to create connections around the world and rediscover passion for storytelling and artful expression. Thank you Jonathan for an inspiring presentation! Thirty people attended this event. Photos by Rebecca Placek


Left: Honorable Mention – George Sass for his photo “Grand Storm”. Right: Honorable Mention – Laura Weeks for her photo “Spire”.

Gallery Shows

Category F, Sculpture/Jewelry
Left: First Place – Wende Woodham for “Penumbra”. Right: Honorable Mention – MaryAnn Buckley for “Dotted Bowl”.

All photos by Rebecca Placek.



Stacey Sass
Architectural Icons: Linking the Past with Today’s Structures
Sunday, February 16 at 2:00

KIFA’s Second Winter Lecture Series with guest speaker Stephan Parker was held on January 26, 2025.  Stephan showed a short video clip from his “A Roadkill Opera”. The opera tells the story of the hour before the lights go up on opening night for a comedy improv troupe in 1988 Jackson Hole, Wyoming: the Roadkill On A Stick Frozen Foods Theatre Company”.  It is built on the music of the first act of Paerb's Leonora. During his presentation, Stephan asked the audience: “What organizations do you belong to and why are they important to you?” They enthusiastically replied about the organizations that they participated in and the friendships that they made. Thank you Stephan for enlightening us about opera in a unique presentation! Twenty people attended this event.Photos by Rebecca Placek

1 Ticket = $40 | 2 Tickets = $75

Category E, Photography | Left: First Place – Susan Eleazer for her photo “Window Dressing”. Right: Honorable Mention – Michael Driscoll for his photo “Holly”.

Above: Honorable Mention – Susan Eleazer for her mixed media “Plea, Pleas, Please”.


Black and White Only Show

January 16 - February 23


Kent Islanders on the Water

April 10 - June 1, 2025

Reception Sat. April 12 | 3-5 pm

Left: Cascio Clay Center Team at KIFA outside photo: Mary Ann Buckley; Rebecca Placek, Linda Jakubowski, Pat Spinella, Laura Keene, Maureen Wheatley, and Margaret Tessier. Right: Inside photo of the Cascio Clay Center Team at KIFA.

Kent Island Federation of Arts Presents:
“9th Annual Paint Stevensville”
and Kent Island Surrounds

May 28th – 31st, 2025

Darlene Conley, Show Chair, and Holly Schrader, Show Judge.

Thanks to everyone who attended the Happy Hour Shop for Valentine’s Day at KIFA on February 6.  In photos: Wende Woodham, Judy Tucker and Pat Spinella each held a piece of their artistic creations for sale. Lorraine Sincavage stopped by to shop. There will be a second Happy Hour for Valentine’s Shopping at KIFA on February 13, from 3 p.m. to 5 p.m. KIFA is located at: 405 Main Street, Stevensville, MD 21666. Additional parking at: Historic Christ Church, 121 East Main Street, Stevensville. 

Photos by Rebecca Placek

January 18, 2025 was the Reception for Black and White Show at Kent Island Federation of Arts (KIFA). The Show Judge was Holly Schrader, a visual arts teacher at Stevensville Middle School. She was impressed with the art and photography in this show.  The Show Chair was Darlene Conley. Forty people attended the reception.  Seventy-one pieces are in this show featuring oils, acrylics, pastels, watercolor, gouache, alcohol inks, graphics, printmaking, mixed media collage, photography, sculpture, and jewelry. The show closes on February 23. KIFA is open and free for viewing to the public Thursday-Sunday, 1 p.m. to 4 p.m., 405 Main Street, Stevensville.

KIFA Gallery Show Guidelines

All work must be original, created within the last two years, not previously shown at KIFA, and must not infringe upon any copyright. No reproductions accepted.

Sculptures must include their own base or fit on a KIFA pedestal. Sculpture artists must be prepared to assist in placing their work in the gallery. Maximum size including base: 6’ high x 3’ wide and deep.  

2-D works must be dry, suitably framed, wired and ready to hang. No sawtooth hangers.  (Artwork not wired properly will not be accepted.) All works on paper must be under glass.  No exposed glass edges. Maximum size framed varies by show. Please see appropriate prospectus for sizes.  

KIFA reserves the right to reject works deemed unsuitable. All entered works must remain on display through the end of the show. Reasonable care will be taken to ensure the safety of your artwork. KIFA is not liable for loss or damage to artwork. KIFA's commission on all sales is 30%. KIFA reserves the right to use images of the winning artwork for up to eighteen months.  

Please contact KIFA for more information at info@kifa.com or 410-643-7274.

KIFA’s Fourth Winter Lecture Series with guest speaker Sadie Routzahn was held on February 9, 2025. Sadie’s talk was on “Photography: Putting the Focus on Healing”. Sadie was a photojournalist for the U.S. Army for 20 years and she traveled all over the world in that job.  After she retired from the Army, Sadie found healing doing photography with her daughter by taking photos in their garden and beach combing for sea glass.  Sadie has won awards for her photography. Some points that Sadia wanted us to take away from her lecture: mindfulness (be aware); intentional (counting your breath before taking a photo); use the resources at our local library—MakerSpace (3-D Printing) and Gale Courses (free online photography courses); understand where your light is coming from; Rule of Thirds; and Composition. Sadie had several handouts: library 3D printing request; Rule of Thirds ruler; packets of Celosia seeds; and her beautiful photos. Thank you Sadie for sharing your experience as a photojournalist and your continued photography journey. Seventeen people attended this event. Photos by Rebecca Placek

Left: Youth – Noah Warner for his pen and ink “Dragon 1” and “Dragon 2”.
Category D, Mixed Media/Collage | Right: First Place – Maureen Wheatley for her mixed media “We Are All in this Together”.

Left: Honorable Mention – Mary Ann Buckley for her acrylic painting “Fox on Forest Edge”. Right: Honorable Mention – Patrick Fitzgerald for his oil painting “Dundalk”.

KIFA on Facebook

Left: Honorable Mention – Judy Specht for her charcoal “Remember”. Right: Honorable Mention – Vicki Cearfoss for her micron pen “Wolfgang III”.

Above: Honorable Mention – Melissa Mackey for her photo “Ethereal Morning”.

Left: Rebecca Placek, Melissa Craig, and Mary Ann Buckley. Right: Laura Keene and Linda Jakubowski.

 Photos by Melissa Craig, Margaret Tessier, and Maureen Wheatley

Kent Island Federation of Arts, Inc.

KIFA’s Third Winter Lecture Series with guest speaker Susan Mayberry was held on February 2, 2025.  Susan’s slideshow was on the history of Botanicals, and she included her Botanical art. Botanical art started around 4,000 years ago. It is art whose goal is to depict whole plants or parts of plants in a manner that is both aesthetically pleasing and scientifically accurate. Thank you Susan for sharing your knowledge and your artistic skills. At KIFA, Susan teaches Youth Art classes and she is one of KIFA’s Summer Camp instructors. Eighteen people attended this event.Photos by Rebecca Placek

Left: Mary Ann Buckley, Laura Keene, Melissa Craig, Rebecca Placek, and Margaret Tessier outside the Cascio Clay Center at KIFA. Right: Laura Keene checks the building's electrical panel.

More than any other art form, architecture embodies the unity between form and function. Learn how the architectural elements of iconic, historical buildings are still part of the structure and decoration in dwellings of today.

Copyright © 2025 Kent Island Federation of Arts, All rights reserved.

KIFA on Facebook

Masquerade Dance March 29, 2025 - American Legion 7-10pm

Tickets on Sale Now

Category B, Watercolors/Gouache/Alcohol Inks | Left: First Place – Stacey Sass for her watercolor “Blossoms In Black and White”. Right: Honorable Mention – Pam Chase for her watercolor “On the Edge at Night”.

NEW - A FREE Winter Lecture Series will be held on Sundays at 2:00 in January, February, and March 2025.

See the schedule.

Student Showcase coming in March: 
Annual QA County Children and Teens art SHOW

Category A, Oils/Acrylics/Pastels | Left: First Place – Rita Myers for her acrylic painting “Walking in the Rain in Paris”. Right: Honorable Mention – Linda Jakubowski for her acrylic painting “Black and White Garden”.


Tickets can be purchased at KIFA, through Paypal, via board members or call 410-643-7424 to reserve a spot.

Happy Hour 3-5
Thursday, Feb 6

and Feb 13: Shop

for Valentine’s Day!